Struggle with patience
2003-05-04-12:37 p.m.

I am sort of bored today I wish that I had money this weekend. I am tired of not having money. Sucks and seems to always be true no matter how many time I say next payday. Then something always happens and I am poor. How to stop this cycle of endless despair? Maybe I should never spend one damn red cent on anything other than groceries, rent and utilities? Then I should be able to save money some day. I decided to try budgeting my entertainment. Which I have not done yet. Like saying that I can spend 80 dollars a payday on eating out, going to movies and buying the random fun thing. Also perhaps I need a Costco budget? I don't think I do so bad there. I guess if I go over my food budget I have to take it out of my entertainment budget? HMMM. Well its really not as bad as I am making it out to be. If I had not been dying to buy this new PC I would not sill be poor this payperiod. In fact next Monday things will be good if I don't RUN out and buy a digital camera or a Printer. Although I just might let myself buy the printer. Its only 90 bucks :) and I don't have one. I also want to buy Jedi Knight Outcast game. Is that asking too much? I also need to buy the record now or Nero and the Norton antivirus software upgrade. Oh well I am not going to let it bother me. I also want to buy more RAM/ how much of this is necessary right now?

Prolly not allot of it!

no name - 2004-09-27
Yeah! - 2004-09-26
Go Tammy... - 2004-09-25
PMS sucks - 2004-09-12
Just a ramble. - 2004-09-09

Updated 05/05/04



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